
The Nanny School Ethos is to help you up-grade from where you are now to become a Super Nanny

All of our courses dive deep in to different areas to help you become the super nanny you dream of being

For now, why don’t you following these 10 easy steps to get you on your way!

1. Developing your CV – what a recruiter is looking for (learn more on the CV course)

2. Crafting your Introduction letter and sending it – every time - even when you haven’t been asked! (learn more on the CV course)

3. Research the brief you have been given- such as travel/hours/any details that you can talk about during the interview

4. Create and show your nanny portfolio (learn more on the VIP course)

5. The importance of confidence and etiquette – show them you WANT the job and you will deliver better than anyone else they are interviewing. Etiquette, polish and mindfulness is key and this is exactly what the family wants to see. (learn more on the VIP course)

6. Being Authentic/Being of Service/Explaining your passion. Show you love what you do, and you do this with a keen eye to always developing yourself and searching out new and fresh things to be the best you can (learn more on the VIP course)

7. How to assess your possible family – what questions to ask/mentioning necessary boundaries at the beginning 

8. The importance of setting up a review system where you and your family can use this as a regular system to reflect and constructively discuss the role. Be strong, be clear and value yourself (learn more on the mind-set course)

9. Ask for a morning or a day with the children and the family – free of charge (this will be a priceless insight in the long run) for you to assess whether you resonate with the family and vice versa.

10. Send a thank you card after your meeting and always remember to be an eager follow up candidate – you will be surprised how many people do not do this. The eagerness of a candidates follow up has in itself tipped the scales for me as a recruiter. Don’t undersell yourself with no follow through (learn more on the mind-set course)